While attending college, I was asked to help with the youth group at the church I attended. At first, I was hesitant because I wasn’t sure if I was really the right person; I didn’t have kids, I had zero experience mentoring children, and looking back I was a kid myself!! After a lot of persuasion from Jake Humphries and lots of prayers, the decision was made to step up where I was asked to help. This opportunity was very eye opening, and a very harsh reality check. I quickly learned that not every child was blessed with what I had as a child. My parents where always very involved with my siblings and I, and if my dad didn’t know how to help us in whatever we were doing at that moment he found someone to give us the help we needed to be successful!! At that time I was a broke college kid trying to run a business and start an "adult life" so all I had to offer was my time and the knowledge I learned from my family and CISD. Volunteering with that youth group inspired me to set a goal that one day I would be able to not only give time but also help financially! Since then, (over 20 years) I have continued to coach youth sports and mentor college students on how to create and manage businesses. A few years ago I set a business goal to be able to donate over $20,000 per year to youth organizations and community programs, a goal that has been met every year! Being able to do this has been the pinnacle of my professional career!! Being able to help in that way makes the long work days worth every minute!! I love helping children, they are our future and they all deserve an equal opportunity at success!!

Community Service

  • 2023 Delta County Chamber of Commerce Volunteer of the Year

  • 20+ years Volunteer Coaching Youth Sports

  • Provide Paid Internships for TAMU-C Students

  • Business's Donate $20k+ Per year to Youth Sports and Community Organizations